Yamzu - Play eSports Tournaments on the Blockchain

Yamzu - Play eSports Tournaments on the Blockchain

With the rapid development of the times, this also opens up many opportunities to get more income even through streaming. New technologies such as smart contacts, decentralized applications, and blockchain represent this to make the company successful and able to show its niche in the ever expanding world of gaming. We believe these companies are trying to get the most out of the application of new technologies that emerge for online gaming. eSport has now evolved from a simple game to an entertainment phenomenon that is equivalent to traditional sports. Even some sports Olympics have provided a place for eSport players. Even eSport professionals have held multi-million dollar sponsorships and competed in world tournaments supported by fans. With more and more adults focusing on earning income from playing video games and this creates an attraction for new generations to follow it and pursue this career path. For this reason Yamzu was founded, Yamzu wanted to provide players on the basis of activating the platform for eSports which would specifically meet this need. The Yamzu platform is adjusted to include every type of player, amateur and professional. Yamzu has succeeded in integrating Countererstrike Global Offensive ("CS: GO") and League of Legends ("LoL") on its platform, and now that both titles are direct, and several other computer-based games will soon follow.

Yamzu description

Yamzu is a Swedish gaming company that currently has a user base of more than 10 thousand users. Yamzu has income and has worked to express things that the brand can recognize. The Yamzu platform makes the eSports competition available to all gamers in the world. Competing companies face a constant struggle due to user privacy issues, and several other entry barriers such as the need to download the user interface. Meanwhile, our internal user research shows that browser-based platforms do show greater growth potential. These factors instill confidence, especially given the existing Yamzu user base (10,000) and the undisputed track record of 300% annual growth in just two years of activity.
As a brand, Yamzu aims to develop several niche industry games but not limited to entertainment centers, talent agencies that support Twitch streamers, and niche-oriented clothing lines. In the long run, Yamzu imagined the platform as a genuine household name for the eSports competition of any skill level. At the same time, we are developing several Blockchain based projects on the platform, some of which are almost ready to be implemented. Yamzu is determined to be the organizer and host of a leading eSports tournament, both of which are affiliated with P2P (Peer to Peer) games as well as significant regional and global tournaments. The fact that Yamzu has supported an active platform gives strength to our projections. In the future, we will work with game developers by forming symbiotic relationships around making new games. As such, both Yamzu and value creators (eg Developers) will collaborate to encourage more gamers to participate in the intersection of paid games and cryptocurrency.
As a one-stop shop for the eSports tournament, Yamzu follows in the footsteps of the Twitch and Steam platforms, places located at the intersection of many revenue streams. Our team also plans to offer sophisticated tools (such as tokens) that will simplify monetization for our users. To achieve this, Yamzu has compiled the processes needed to ensure speed, efficiency and ease of use of the platform. Following are some processes that are empowered and enhanced by the introduction of Blockchain Technology:

Yamzu focuses on providing players with really new ways to regularly participate in eSports events. The Yamzu platform cuts off intermediaries and without third parties to monitor the results of the contest. In addition, winners are not required to send screenshots or other proof of victory. Yamzu will automatically determine the winner and give them a prize. Results will be updated in real time so that all interested parties can directly review match statistics. By adopting tokens and adapting existing systems to include Blockchain features, Yamzu can provide reliable services to its customers and accelerate transactions and reduce costs.

Yamzu aims to create an environment where gamers can play freely and can monetize their efforts. Gamers can arrange matches or tournaments and only invite their friends or leave the contest open to the public. This platform tracks statistics in real time and for several weeks and months, providing a competitive environment that is reliable and fair for our gaming community. Thanks to the introduction of YMZ tokens, players will have access to a reliable mean to store value and exchange rates on our platforms. In addition they will have income from YMZ they will also get access to a number of features to generate additional value sources.

With Yamzu, advertisers and sponsors can opportunistically organize game competitions in minutes and target specific consumer demographics. It will cut costs associated with traditional tournaments, platforms can absorb and adapt to almost all advertising budgets. Companies that sponsor Yamzu will allow to reach the established gamers base, therefore avoiding some of the costs associated with obtaining and securing audiences.

Affiliate Program
Influencers can use Yamzu exclusively or together with other platforms. As an additional revenue stream, our platform represents a resource for influencers who want to reach viewers who prefer only our browser interface. In addition to clear use cases of managing an event, influencers can also join Yamzu's affiliate program and receive compensation whenever new players have been invited.

Yamzu will combine the elements of social and competitive games into what we have tested to be a unique playing experience for all parties involved. Yamzu creates a strong community where players can enjoy superior gaming experiences while also having access to successful ways to monetize the time they have invested in their passion. In addition, we believe in the creation of a virtuous system that can encourage players to unite and produce a safe and respectful community.

The following are details about selling Yamzu tokens (YMZ):

For complete information about selling tokens or to buy tokens you can visit the site https://yamzu.io/

Public Pre-Sale: 25th July 2018 - October 2018
ICO: October 2018 - End of November
Pre-Sale Bonus: 30%
Soft CAP: 3,000,000 €
Hard CAP: € 13,000
Exchange Rate: 1 YMZ = 0.1 €
Available Currencies: ETH
Min. Contribution: 0.1 ETH
Max. Contribution: Unlimited (AML & KYC apply)

That is some information that I can say about Yamzu, hopefully by reading this article you can give wider inspiration or maybe you can contribute to the ICO Yamzu. Thank you, and apologize if there is some inappropriate information.
For complete information you can visit some of Yamzu's official sites.


IZIChain - Global Blockchain Platform For Capital Connections

IZIChain - Global Blockchain Platform For Capital Connections

Hello friends, welcome back to https://ico-altcoinnews.blogspot.com/.

In this article I will discuss about IZIChain and also token sale for IZIChain, and here are some important summaries about IZICain,
IZICHAIN ​​is a Publicchain Hybrid hyperlink platform that provides blockchain solutions specifically for financial markets with real life and social applications. IZIChain allows users to interact with smart contracts, participate in completing smart contracts through AI and Big Data mechanisms, and operate blockchain-supported financial applications such as digitizing assets, trading digital assets, and offering loans and transactions. Both individuals and entities can develop and provide independent financial applications on the IZIChain blockchain platform. IZIChain application: IZIChain completely changes the way financial markets work with financial assets and digitizes real assets on the IZIChain blockchain platform. The IZICHAIN ​​office is located in Vietnam.

With so much insight from users, IZICHAIN ​​has answers and includes them in several features in IZIChain. The following are some of these features :

1. Digital exchange
Aimed at users with the need to trade with digital assets, enabling fast and non-profit peer-to-peer transactions.

2. Real Exchange
Aimed at users with the need to trade together from regulatory assets, regulatory assets and digital assets, purchases, advertisements.

3. Digital Banking
Aimed at users with a need for deposits or funding, based on peer-to-peer loan structure.

4. ICO platform
Aimed at users with the need to create notification codes for destinations such as member cards, sharing, and more.

5. Talk about P2P
Empower user to user correspondence, overcome problems such as price  discussion, negotiation or collaboration.

Along with serious problems in trade transactions, IZIC has several solutions to overcome this.
Another thing that makes more value for IZIChain is that besides being registered with the ICO HOLDER, IZIChain has also been registered in the TokenStore exchange and the next exchange target is DDEX and CoinEx.

Token Sales

The IZIchain token sale consists of seven stages starting from personal sales on September 1, 2018 to September 20, 2018. And for public sales will begin on November 1 to January 29 2019. In each stage, IZIChain has different prices and this aims to attract investors to invest in the initial sale of tokens because if we buy tokens faster, we will get more discounts. To buy IZI tokens, you can visit https://www.izichain.network/, you can buy IZI tokens using BTC or ETH with a minimum limit of 0.1 ETH and to buy tokens using Ethereum you must use an official wallet and not from the wallet exchange.Like most ICOs that take place today, IZIChain also uses a compatible wallet with the Erc-20 protocol. And the following is an explanation of IZIChain tokens :

Token Name: IZIChain
Token Symbol: IZI
Base Token: ERC20
Decimal: 4
Total Supply: 1,250,000,000
Softcap: 4,000 ETH
Hardcap: 24,000 ETH
Contact Address: 0xdf59c8ba19b4d1437d80836b45f1319d9a429eed

In addition to selling tokens to get IZI tokens, IZIChain also provides bounty campaigns for communities that help spread the word about IZIChain to the larger crypto community. For this you can visit the IZIChain Bounty campaign thread at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5042743.0

For more information visit the official website of IZIChain:
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/izichainchannel

My Profile:

Beberapa hal yang membuat Anon memiliki potensi yang baik

Beberapa hal yang membuat Anon memiliki potensi yang baik

  Pertama-tama kita harus tahu apa itu ANON.  ANON dipimpin oleh Jake Greenbaum JD, yang sudah terkenal di dunia Crypto dan menganggap dirinya penggemar blockchain, selain menjadi  pendiri ANON Jake juga memimpin tim fork di belakang ANON. ANON adalah pengembangan teknologi  Bitcoin dan ZClassik melalui co-forks dari dua cryptocurrency. Anon bertujuan untuk menunjukkan faktor pembeda yang penting yang tidak diindikasikan oleh garpu sebelumnya melalui masternode, meningkatkan ukuran blok dan proses pembangunan yang transparan. Nah artikel ini dibuat untuk menjelaskan sejumlah alasan untuk menjadi alasan bahwa anon adalah koin yang memiliki potensi tinggi untuk sukses.

1. Anon menggunakan Masternodes
Masternodes adalah node yang menjalankan perangkat dompet yang sama di blockchain, tujuannya adalah untuk menyediakan layanan tambahan ke jaringan. Layanan ini mencakup beberapa faktor, yaitu meningkatkan privasi transaksi anonim, mampu memproses transaksi secara instan, mengendalikan desentralisasi atau tidak diatur oleh siapa pun, proposal penganggaran yang terdesentralisasi dan sistem pemungutan suara yang tidak berubah. Koin di dalam Masternode harus tetap dan tidak dapat dikomersilkan, biasanya ada program hadiah bagi mereka yang memiliki masternode. Masternode dari ANON adalah pilihan yang sangat menarik karena memberikan kemungkinan bagi siapa saja untuk memiliki pendapatan pasif. Berbeda dengan penambangan. hosting masternode tidak terlalu rumit, kita hanya perlu persiapan dana di setiap koin yang ingin kita jalankan masternode. Masternode berjalan normal di vps yang berjalan 24 jam sehari 7 hari seminggu, 30 hari sebulan. Dengan kata lain, masternode tidak boleh berhenti bekerja lebih dari satu jam.

2. ANON telah terdaftar di beberapa bursa terkenal.
 Jika Anda kehilangan garpu Bitcoin dan ZClassic untuk mendapatkan ANON pada 10 September, Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena Anda dapat membelinya di beberapa bursa besar dan ini akan mempermudah banyak orang untuk menemukannya. Jadi, bursa besar juga memiliki pengaruh yang baik pada ANON di masa depan, terutama sejak ANON terdaftar dengan CoinMarketCap dan hal itu menjelaskan bahwa ANON memiliki volume perdagangan yang tinggi. Untuk saat ini ANON telah terdaftar di tiga bursa, yaitu Pertukaran Perdagangan yang Aman, Pertukaran Cryptopia, dan Pertukaran TradeSatoshi. Seperti yang dikatakan oleh akun Twitter resmi ANON dan Jake di akun Twitter-nya, saat ini ANON sudah terdaftar di pertukaran IDAX. IDAX adalah salah satu bursa besar dengan volume perdagangan lebih dari $ 200 juta dalam 24 jam, selain itu IDAX juga memiliki lebih dari 180 perdagangan pasangan. Saya yakin pendaftaran anon di bursa akan membuat ANON semakin dikenal oleh publik dan investor.

3. ANON memiliki tim yang hebat dan siap menjadi pemenang
Di balik kesuksesan ANON, saat ini ada sejumlah anggota tim dengan pengalaman hebat yang siap menjadi pemenang. Dengan kata lain, anggota Tim Anon bertujuan menjadikan ANON menjadi solusi utama untuk transaksi dengan keamanan dan privasi yang dapat maju kedepan dibandingkan dengan garpu sebelumnya.

Menurut saya ketiga hal ini sangat mempengaruhi kemajuan anon di masa depan, dalam hal ini ANON memiliki kemajuan luar biasa dibandingkan dengan garpu koin sebelumnya. Untuk menghargai para pendukung yang telah menyebarluaskan berita ANON ke komunitas crypto yang lebih besar, ANON menyediakan kampanye bount 2 Round yang akan berakhir pada 2 Desember. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi benang resmi bounty ANON di https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032604.0
Jika Anda berniat untuk berpartisipasi dalam hadiah ANON maka Anda harus membuat dompet ANON. Anda dapat mengunjungi https://ico-altcoinnews.blogspot.com/2018/10/langkah-langkah-untuk-membuat-dompet.html untuk membaca tutorial pembuatan dompet ANON.

Anda bisa mengunjungi situs web resmi ANON dan situs Media Sosial ANON untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak informasi tentang ANON:
Website : https://www.anonymousbitcoin.io/
Whitepaper : https://www.anonfork.io/whitepaper
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ANON_WeAreANON
Telegram : https://t.me/ANONFork

Profil bitcointalk saya :
Dompet ANON : AngFG63JdgfRRn6CtuetNsHMhQ2QnCi1ySd

Some Factors That Make ANON Have Good Potential for the Future

Some Factors That Make ANON Have Good Potential for the Future

First we must know what is ANON. ANON is led by Jake Greenbaum JD, who is already famous in the Crypto world and considers himself a blockchain fan, besides being the founder of ANON Jake also leads the fork team behind ANON. ANON is developing Bitcoin and Zasik technology through co-forks of the two cryptocurrency. Anon aims to show important differentiating factors that are not indicated by the previous fork through the masternode, increasing the size of the block and the transparent development process. Well this article was made to explain a number of reasons to be the reason that anon is a coin that has high potential for success.

  • Anon uses Masternodes
Masternodes are nodes that run the same wallet device on the blockchain, the goal is to provide additional services to the network. This service includes several factors, namely increasing the privacy of anonymous transactions, being able to process transactions instantly, controlling decentralization or not being regulated by anyone, decentralized budgeting proposals and an unchanging voting system. Coins inside the Masternode must be repaired and cannot be commercialized, usually there is a reward program for those who have masternode. Masternode from ANON is a very interesting choice because it gives the possibility for anyone to have passive income. Unlike mining, masternode hosting is not too complicated, we only need to prepare funds on each coin that we want to run masternode. Masternode runs normally in vps that runs 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 30 days a month. In other words, masternode must not stop working for more than an hour.

  • ANON has been listed on several well-known exchanges.
If you lose the fork of Bitcoin and ZClassic to get ANON on September 10, you don't need to worry because you can buy it on some big exchanges and this will make it easier for many people to find it. So, the big exchanges also have a good influence on ANON in the future, especially since ANON is registered with CoinMarketCap and it explains that ANON has a high trading volume. For now ANON has been listed on three exchanges, that is Safe Trade Exchange, Cryptopia Exchange, and TradeSatoshi Exchange. 
As said by ANON official Twitter accounts and Jake on its Twitter account, the next exchange target is IDAX, IDAX is one of the major exchanges with a trading volume of more than $ 200 million in 24 hours, besides IDAX also has more than 180 pair trades . I am sure that registering anon on the exchange will make ANON increasingly known by the public and investors.

  • Anon has a great team and is ready to be a winner
Behind ANON success, there are currently a number of team members with great experience who are ready to become winners. In other words, the Anon Team members aim to make ANON the ultimate solution for transactions with security and privacy that can move forward compared to the previous fork.

In my opinion these three things greatly affect the progress of anon in the future, in this case ANON has remarkable progress compared to the previous coin fork. To appreciate the supporters who have disseminated ANON news to the larger crypto community, ANON provides the Bounty Campaign Round 2 which will end on December 2. For more information, visit official bounty thread ANON on https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5032604.0.
If you intend to participate in ANON Bounty campaign round 2 then you must make ANON wallets. You can visit https://ico-altcoinnews.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-to-make-anon-wallet.html to read the tutorial for making ANON wallet.

You can visit the official ANON website and the ANON Social Media site to get more information about ANON.


My bitcointalk profile:
ANON Wallet : AngFG63JdgfRRn6CtuetNsHMhQ2QnCi1ySd

Langkah-Langkah Untuk Membuat Dompet Dekstop ANON

Langkah-Langkah Untuk Membuat Dompet Dekstop ANON

Halo teman-teman semua,
Sebelumnya saya telah membuat langkah-langkah untuk membuat dompet desktop ANON (https://ico-altcoinnews.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-to-make-anon-wallet.html) karena adanya beberapa permintaan disini saya akan memberikan beberapa langkah - langkah untuk membuat wallet ANON pada dekstop anda.
Kita tahu bahwa ANON saat ini telah meluncurkan program bounty ronde 2 yang bertujuan untuk menghargai pendukung yang telah membantu menyebarkan pesan ANON di komunitas crypto yang lebih besar. Kampanye ANON saat ini berfokus pada pembuatan konten berkualitas dan kreatif . Ada beberapa jenis campaign yang telah ANON berikan dan diantaranya adalah :
1 Pembuatan konten
2 Sosial Media
3 Tanda Tangan
4 Keterlibatan Masyarakat
5 Cadangan Untuk Peserta Unggulan

Bagi peserta pembuatan kampanye dompet ANON adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dapat menerima pembayaran dari segmen yang telah kalian lakukan.
Dan berikut adalah langkah-langkah untuk membuat dompet dekstop ANON.

1. Yang pertama harus Anda lakukan adalah kunjungan tautan https://zeltrez.io karena kita akan mendownload dompet dari sana. Di bawah ini adalah tampilan utama dari https://zeltrez.io.

2. Klik download dan pilih Windows karena kita akan membuat tutorial membuat dompet dekstop. Saya rasa ukuran file nya sekitar 41 mb. Kemudian instal di komputer anda.

3. Ini adalah halaman utama dari dompet Zelcore, dan untuk membuat dompet ANON anda harus melakukan registrasi.
> KIik Start by registering an account > Isi Username dan Password > Kemudian Register Account

4. Setelah melakukan langkah sebelumnya, anda tinggal login dan selamat datang di halaman utama akun Zelcore anda.

Pada halaman utama akan terlihat berbagai jenis Crypto seperti Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin dan lain-lain. Tapi kenapa saya tidak melihat ANON? Itu mudah, untuk membuat dompet ANON anda tinggal menambahkannya dengan cara klik "Add Assets", dan disana akan muncul berbagai jenis crypto dan anda tinggal memilih "ANON".

Setelah itu lambang ANON akan terlihat di halaman utama.

5. Untuk mendapatkan dompet anda tinggal klik "ANON" dan pilih Receive.

Maka alamat dompet anda akan langsung muncul.

Itu adalah langkah-langkah untuk membuat dompet desktop ANON di https://zeltrez.io, mudah bukan? Semoga saja dapat membantu anda untuk mempraktekannya.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut anda bisa mengunjungi situs web resmi dan sosial media ANON.

Atau anda bisa mengunjungi benang Bounty ronde 2 disini :


Profile Bitcointalk saya :



Excolony Youre Pleasure Is Our Innovation

Youre Pleasure Is Our Innovation

Excolony is the first centralized exchange that uses an offchain matching engine to deal with large trading volumes. In addition, the team will use 5% of funds from capital and also 10% of annual profits for the Secure Assets and Funds of User (SAFU). It will be user-friendly that is safe to use and will be an important part of the global cryptocurrency market.
Excolony aims to create exchanges that can make users comfortable by focusing on security, scalability and user experience. This can be realized by the Team Excoloni's great experience that has made class exchanges with great security capable of stably protecting cyber attacks, updates and improvements will be carried out regularly to ensure constant platform development. And ICO service support is intended as a fund to develop the project and the benefit of traders..

On Blockchain there are some common problems and here are some solutions that Excoloni will provide.
1. Hacker
When technology is increasingly sophisticated, many people who abuse it to steal through the internet, there are even some exchanges that have been hacked and suffer huge losses. Responding to this, the Excolony team intends to build a new system for Excolony. This is supported by team members who have great experience in finance and cryptocurrency and have built world-class exchanges with high security.

2. No Insurance 
There are lots of exchanges out there, but they don't have insurance services so if there are hacked patients they have to take full responsibility for this and there is no compensation from the platform owner. For this reason Excolony will give a refund of.

3. Changes and Adaptation
 Some exchanges do not have long-term plans and do not follow trends, it can have an impact on reducing users. To avoid this, Excolony will update information and new performance systems regularly.

4. Scam Project
To avoid Scam projects, Excolony team and advisors will conduct professional reviews before entering them into their exchanges.

5. Lack of Support for New Project
Currently in the crypto market there are many new ICOs, but they do not have enough experts to be able to support everything. With Excolony, potential ICO projects will be reviewed and those who qualify will receive advice, knowledge and finance support. after that Excolony will ensure that this new ICO is correct and safe for users.

6. Poor Language Support
There are still many problems from exchanges because the translation provided is not good enough to make users feel confused. The solution, Excolony will offer 20 languages. A large network that will easily adapt will make language support to an original or almost original level.

EXCOLONY Team Interview

"As a team member, can you tell your position or role in the ICO project?"
I'm Nhat Minh Hoang, CEO, and also the founder of Excolony.
We are from Vietnam. And our company is in Belize. My role in Excolony is to control things related to work and contact with investors.
"What do you think of that idea?"
That is my idea so no one can beat us. We have this idea in early 2017 promoting it in real life in June. We hope Excoloni can change the way people trade.

Pre-Sale & Crowdsale
Presale Details
Price: 1EXC = 0.5 USD
Minimum purchase: 10 ETH
Bonus: 50%
Bonus up to 50% depending on the period

Crowdsale Details
Price: 1EXC = 0.5 USD
Soft Cap: 1M USD
Hard Cap: 12.5 million USD
Bonus: UP to 30% (Depending on each period)
(All unsold tokens will be burned by Smart contracts)

To BUY Tokens please visit our website: https://excolony.com/

 We accept ETH. We will assign a course for ETH within a few days before the start of the Presale event, depending on the market price


For more information, follow us:

My bitcointalk profile:


Pengertian ICO

Pengertian ICO

Halo semuanya, kali ini saya akan memberikan penjelasan tentang ICO yang sedang marak pada tahun ini.
Banyak di antara kita terkhususnya pemain baru dalam dunia cryptocoin yang tertarik dengan ICO, dan mereka yang membutuhkan jawaban dari ICO terlebih dahulu.
ICO adalah singkatan dari Initial Coin Offering yang berarti sebuah start-up atau tim yang sedang ingin menjalankan proyeknya / proyek mereka dan menggunakan metode ICO guna mendapatkan dana (crowdfunding), dengan menggunakan metode pembayaran dengan cara pembayaran yang telah di tentukan maka kita akan mendapatkan token dari proyek tersebut.

Berdasarkan metode ICO banyak kelebihan yang bisa di dapat:
 1. Proyek yang sedang di rencanakan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan sukses atau tidak proyek tersebut
 2. Dapat mendorong kemajuan melalui Ide - ide yang terlahir dari start-up baru yang muncul di seluruh penjuru dunia

Menemukan sisi buruk dari metode ini adalah:
 1. Tidak ada badan atau organisasi yang meregulasi ini, jadi jika proyek yang kita dukung melalui tidak dapat membuat koin / token yang kita dapat dari yang menjadi tidak ber-nilai
 2. Ada banyak orang yang ada di dunia ini, jadi banyak orang yang tidak bertanggun jawab dengan menggunakan fenomena ICO ini dan mencoba untuk menggunakan para investor dan menghilang dari peredaran (SCAM)

Nah, jika kamu adalah orang yang berniat untuk ikut berpartisipasi dalam fenomena ICO ini dan ingin berinvestasi dalam ico ada baiknya perhatikan point – point berikut ini agar dapat meminimalisir terjebak dalam ico scam :

  •  Lakukan research atau penggalian informasi mengenai project tersebut

 Mulai dari siapa orang-orang yang ada di dalam proyek tersebut, jika Anda sering melihat - lihat ico yang ada di ICO LIST, Anda dapat melihat ada banyak yang sedang berlangsung, ada yang bisa Anda lakukan dan lakukan proyek yang khusus dan ada mulanya melakukan penelitian di bagian TEAM, dan mulailah melakukan penelitian tentang setiap individu dari masing-masing ”dari mereka.
 Untuk melihat protpor dari individu mereka, Anda mungkin dapat melihat data mereka melalui situs linkedin. Disitu sendiri dapat melihat daftar riwayat pekerjaan mereka, Anda dapat memilih apakah ada tim yang solid atau tidak.

  • Proyek IDE / IDE

  Sekarang ini banyak sekali project – project baru yang bermunculan dan mencoba menggalang dana melalui ICO, dan seperti yang sudah saya bilang tadi bahwa ada banyak orang tamak yang ingin menipu melalui metode ico ini dan banyak sekali project yang mempunyai dasar ide yang sama satu sama lain dan tentunya berpotensi gagal, namun jika di gawangi oleh team yang solid maka potensi kegagalan mengecil.
 Nah jika kalian sudah mempunyai target ICO yang digawangi oleh team yang solid dan berpengalaman di bidangnya, maka sekarang kamu perhatikan ide dari project tersebut, jika project yang ditawarkan terbilang unik ( berbeda ) dari ico ico yang lain maka meningkatkan kemungkinan sukses.

  • Keaktifan TIM
 Sebuah project tentunya di gawangi oleh orang maupun team dan tentunya adalah manusia, nah disini kamu bisa menanyakan mengenai project tersebut melalui social media mereka dan biasanya untuk lebih responsive lagi kamu bisa mencoba menanyai melalui channel Telegram mereka, karena di Telegram Channel mereka biasanya tim dari project tersebut lebih tanggap untuk menjawab dan silahkan kalian tanyakan pertanyaan yang berguna untuk pengambilan keputusan kalian.

(Tampilan Website)

Saya adalah orang yang sangat memperhatikan keindahan dari design website, biasanya saya akan langsung menilai website tersebut legit atau scam hanya dengan melihat tampilan dan fungsi dari websitenya, tetapi anda jangan mengikuti cara saya karena sudut pandang setiap orang berbeda”. Lantas apa saja hal yang musti di perhatikan dalam tampilan website kalian bisa perhatikan :
  • Alamat website
 Dari sini kita bisa memberikan nilai plus jika alamat websitenya merupakan HTTPS bukan http, https adalah protokol keamanan pada pengiriman data yang dikirim maupun diterima website, nah, logikanya bagaimana project tersebut akan sukses jika keamanan dari websitenya tidak di perhatikan

  • CMS website
 Ini lebih advanced dan mungkin tidak semua dari kalian mengerti apa itu cms, namun biasanya website yang masuk dalam kategori baik adalah CMS bikinan mereka sendiri, bukan menggunakan platform blogger, wordpress, wix, dan lain lain, untuk memudahkan kalian mengetahui CMS yang di gunakan oleh suatu website baiknya kalian google-ing, jika suatu project menggunakan CMS wordpress maka bagi saya itu adalah suatu kekurangan bagi saya ( IMO ).

  • Website tidak Generic
 Apa itu tidak generic ? biasanya website generic adalah website yang tampilannya kurang lebih sama antara satu sama lain, cuma berbeda warna dan beberapa hal kecil lainnya, kamu bisa membuat website dengan tampilan generic melalui layanan WIX, dan wordpress dll, karena dengan menggunakan kedua layanan contoh tersebut kamu bisa membuat sebuah website yang terlihat professional dalam waktu singkat. Jika kamu menemukan project dengan website sebagai berikut ada baiknya jadikan pertimbangan lagi.

Itulah tadi tips – tips dan pengertian ICO, sekali lagi saya tekankan ico adalah metode investasi yang beresiko untuk sekarang, jadi ada baiknya fikirkan dengan bijak dalam pengambilan keputusan, tetap teliti sebelum membeli dan jangan termakan promosi selalu usahakan tabayun terlebih dahulu. Ivestasi online terkhusus ICO sama halnya jika kita berinvestasi dalam usaha di dunia nyata karena tidak ada jaminan usaha tersebut sukses jika kita tidak melakukan survey terlebih dahulu pada tempat usaha yang akan kita bangun, potensi pelanggan di daerah tersebut, jumlah persaing usaha di daerah tersebut, jika kita asalah membuat usaha di suatu tempat tanpa memperhatikan contoh kecil tersebut maka tingkat kegagalan usaha tersebut tentu sangat besar.
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